It was a silent but horrible night. My brother Hansel and I were listening to our step-mother try to persuade our father to abandon us in the middle of the forest. I could believe what I was hearing. Then I heard my father disagree, which cheered me up. But then I soon found out that he changed his mind and agreed to it. Hansel, who was next to me the whole time saying nothing, until he looked and saw that I, had tears of disbelieve running down my cheeks. He told me it would be alright and that he was going to make things better. I didn’t know what he was going to do. All he did was leave the room for 5 minutes and when he came back he told me to get some rest before tomorrow. I did just as he asked and I rested my head on my bed and slept till the next morning when I was awaken in such a bad tone, that I almost fell off the bed. It was my step-mother waking us up to get ready to go to the forest together. I felt so bad because my parents wanted to get rid of me and my brother. When we got to where we were going my parents told me and Hansel to wait here till they got back. They told us to go to sleep
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Adam's Diary
Friday, May 1, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
"The Outcasts of Poker Flat"
If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts' deaths, who/what would you blame & why? (PICK ONLY ONE)
- Uncle Billy
- Citizens of Poker Flat
- Bad luck
- Outcasts
In my opinion, I think that I would blame bad luck because no one could predict what was going to happen. They didn't know the weather was going to be bad and could do anything about it. They just had a lot of bad luck. I think I blame bad luck because no one in the story was physic. No one could tell they were not suppose to stay and camp out because a storm was coming. No person could know because there were no TVs or radios back then.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Kate Chopin
"The Story of an Hour"
In the story, freedom is not that simple to have. In the story the setting was back then when women didn't have any freedom. In the story freedom is wanted by the main character wants freedom but can't get it without dieing. The author tries to explain freedom as something that people die for.
"The Blind Man"
In the story, the disabled are treated very differently. They are treated as outsiders. Where no one wants to pay attention to them or even help them. The author describes rich and poor, as where if you don't have money you’re a no body. And where as if you do you are known to every one and every one wants to meet you.
"Desiree's Baby"
In the story, racism is very much stated out. Once you start reading you can tell there is a lot of racism in the story. But the author puts it as where one person rules another person and tells that person what to do. Mostly common name would be slavery.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment
I could see their faces in disbelieve. But then Colonel Killigrew asked me what the effects would be when i told him that he had to find out for himself. I finally saw that they all were
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Desiree's Baby, The Sequel
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Flowers for Agernon
I think that i would do the operation because i would like to see how it feels to be smarter then a doctor. I would like to be smart temporarily because i would not have to ask people questions when i don't understand. Then i won't have to be made fun of for not knowing an answer to a question either. For example, if some one trys to make fun of me or does something to hurt me. I would know what to do or whats happening. Unlike Charlie in the book where they make fun of him and he doesn't get it. In my opinion i think i would like to be smart for a little while then live life not knowing new things.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 8-the end
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 3-7
One problem I think Benjamin might have is that his wife will get mad at him for going to war. I think that the solution might be that they get divorced because he left to go fight in the war.
Another problem he might have is that his dad's company might have some problems with economic things. I think that the solution might be that the company runs out of business or gets into big trouble.
One last problem would have to be if Benjamin was killed in war. The solution would be that the story would end and Benjamin would have to die earlier then when expected.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1
Monday, April 13, 2009
Good gone Bad
One that made me believe differently
But then you went and changed your ways
From lovable to revolting
You made me think you were everything
But soon I found you to be just like them
The guys I said you shouldn’t be
Why didn’t you care
Why did I even bother
A better question
“Why did you change”
I couldn’t believe you ended up being the person I tried to avoid
You’re a good dream gone bad
You’re a nightmare
Monday, March 30, 2009
A picture is a thousand words

Then I heard Daniel and Lucy, my two littlest children running down the stairs laughing. They were being chased by Rocky, our dog. They came running to their seats when they saw me getting annoyed. The only people we were waiting for to serve dinner were Derek my husband and Georgia, my mother. I set the pie in the middle of the table and in less than 2 seconds Bruce cut himself a piece and started to eat it. I served my younger ones some of the sweet smelling pie I baked. They started eating too, when my mother came into the dining room and sat down. She served her self and started asking Bruce to slow down because he was eating way too fast.
I sat down and ate when rocky came to my lap, so I gave him a piece of pie. When all of a sudden the back door opened and Lucifer, our horse popped his head through the top door and well I had a little piece lift so I gave it to him. Then my husband came down and was putting up the picture that fell when every one came running down stairs. My sweet little Lucy afford him a piece of the pie. I was done so I got up to clean my plate. When all of a sudden I heard the chicken going crazy out side and well means it was feeding time. I sent the kids up to play and went out to feed the chickens. The birds were flying around the bird house my daughter made.
I fed the chickens and placed them into the barn. When I went back in I saw it was getting late and I got every one together in the living room where we sat by the fire and I started knitting again. We all were just talking and tell stories when it was time for bed. So I took every one up to their beds and put them to sleep. By the time I was done I was so tired that once I got into bed and slept till the next morning when we had to do more chores.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
25 Pet Peeves
- I hate when some one acts like they are all that.
- I hate the smell of a cigiarette being smoked.
- I hate people who don't flush after using the bathroom.
- I hate people who lie for a living and you can't tell when they are telling the truth.
- I hate when a family member leaves their stinky socks on the floor.
- I hate when people are on the phone being really loud when they should be quiet.
- I hate when people think I'm not trust worthy to tell a secret.
- I hate when people choice what i wear.
- I hate when a family member spies on me.
- I hate people who hit me when I'm not playing around.
- I hate people say their your friend but they aren't friends really acting like friends.
- I hate when family members make a mess in the bathroom, and i have to clean up.
- I hate when someone talks really loud when they are right next to the person they talking to.
- I hate when people touch my stuff with out permission.
- I hate when a person acts like a baby.
- I hate it when people blow bubble and make noice with their gum.
- I hate people farting in public.
- I hate when people read over my shoulders
- I hate guys who cheat on girls.
- I hate when people don't talk to me.
- I hate people who get mad at every little thing.
- I hate when people distract me when doing my work.
- I hate when family members take my thnigs without asking for.
- I hate people who talk about people behind their back.
- I hate people who think they now it all.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Secret
After lunch I went to my cabin where I suspected to find my best friend waiting to tell me what happened. When I walked in I didn’t see her. I thought to myself maybe she is still with the cute guy, but I remembered what the girl told me and my friend that morning. I got worried and I to calm me down I told myself if she is not in bed in the morning I will tell the camp leader. After all the talking to myself I went to bed and woke up the next morning to find my best friend sleeping. So I let her sleep for a while more. But as soon as she woke up I asked her what happened. She said nothing happened but she said it in a sad voice. That afternoon I saw the cute guy looking at my best friend with a smile and my best friend didn’t want to look at him. I asked her what happened last night she sasked me if I could keep a secret. I said yes, but when she told me that the secret was that she had sex I didn’t know what to say. I was jut staring at her and I was surprised. I didn’t think she was the type of girl to have sex at an early age.
When we got back home from camp I forgot all about the secret until my friend called me and asked if I could keep another secret. I said yes again but this secret was worst of all. She told me she was pregnant. I couldn’t belive her. I asked if she was kidding and she said no. I knew she was crying over the phone. We were so sad. That we were on the phone for 10 mins without saying anything when I asked her if she was going to tell her mom. She denied and I felt even more sad and upset, because my best friend’s mom is like my mom and I don’t like lieing to my own mom. So I started telling her to tell her mom before it is too late to make a choice. I told her if she didn’t tell then I will help her talk to her in a safe environment because I know she doesn’t want to tell her mom alone because she is scared that her mom might hit. But I know she won’t, but to make my friend feel better I would help. The next day I told my mom the story and she agreed to help so me and my mo went over to talk to my best friends house. When we told her mom the story she was mad. But talked to her daughter and told her it okay and that they are going to work this out together.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Her Mysterious Death
After I looked over the victims’ case a couple times, just to be sure I didn't leave any evidence out. I went over to Andy’s' mother Lucy Baker’s house first. When I got there Lucy was very nervous for some reason. So I asked her a few questions about the night of her daughter’s death. Like any other case I asked where she was the night of the murder. She seemed nervous but said she was home alone when around 3:00pm Andy came to visit from her dad’s. I was thinking to myself while taking note to what she said. When all of a sudden I thought to myself why would a young girl rather live with her father then her mother. So I asked Ms. Baker why Andy was living with her father. Ms. Baker replied with a mad tone that Andy lived her father because she didn’t want to deal with her little brother all the time. As she was talking I could notice she was looking very nervous. So I asked where her son was at the time of the murder. She didn’t know so I asked if I could talk to him so about that day. She took me up to his room where he was using the computer.
When Ms. Baker left downstairs, I noticed Andy’s little brother was talking to some one on the computer. He was talking about the night of the murder but right when I was about to read the name he shut the screen off. He turned around and asked what I wanted. I asked if I could speck to him about his sister. He shook his head yes and I asked for his name. He didn’t say anything until I asked again. He said his name was Joshua. So I asked him where he was the night his sister died and he said he was at his friend’s house. I was asking him more questions and every time he would answer I noticed he was getting more and more nervous. I was taking notes when I asked him my last question before I went over to Andy’s father William Flintstone’s house. I looked over at Joshua and asked him why his sister lives with their dad. He said because his sister and mom don’t get along with each other and well because his mom doesn’t like Andy’s boyfriend Derek. When he said that, I remembered what Ms. Baker said which sounded different. I knew someone was lying, but why? And who would be laying Joshua or Ms. Baker? I didn’t know who to believe.
So I left her house and went to go talk to Andy’s father. He looked very sad and upset because he told me he was very close with his daughter. While interviewing him he said he was home the night Andy died when Andy got home around 2:00pm from school he said she ate lunch then left around 3:00pm to go to her mom’s house. I didn’t think that she was going to be murdered. I asked him if he went up to clean Andy’s room out but he said he was going to leave it like it is. I also asked him if he knew where her boyfriend lived. He gave me his address and phone number. That was my next stop before I went back to my office. But before I left I asked to search Andy’s room. When I walked into the room it looked kind of peaceful like someone just was in there. But I remembered that Andy’s dad wasn’t up there since she died. I wonder who could have cleaned the room. I noticed some things where missing. I noticed that some of her clothes were missing and it kind of looked like some one tried to make it look like she left. When I went down stairs I noticed that Mr. Flintstone was crying and to think of it I never saw Ms. Baker cry for her daughter. So I came down stairs but before I left I noticed little red spot dripping towards the front door. So I went downstairs and asked Mr. Flinestone where he was the day of the murder one more time hhe said he was home but then added that he left out of town on business.
Now I was so off track, and I didn’t know who killed Andy. So I went to talk to Derek and when i got to his house he had a girl over. She opened the door and well she looked kind of younger than derek. So i asked her if she was his sister, she wasn't. She told me she was his girl friend. Now i had a lead. I asked her when they started dating. She told me the day Andy died. I asked how she knew of the death, because there was no news of it yet. I noticed that she got nervous. So i asked her where Derek was she took me inside and i saw Derek on the couch watching a football game. i noticed that there was a picture of Andy on the table. it was a picture of derek and andy kissing. i asked him when the picture was taken and he said the day before andy died.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
How To Make Logandale Better
One way we can make the school a better place is by changing the teacher’s way of teaching. The teacher should be better understanding with the students needs. They need to give more help to the students that need help in the subject. They also can help the school be better by listening to what students need help in instead of just trying to help when you don’t know what they ask they need the teacher for. Don’t you think we need to change the teachers teaching skills or maybe just improve them?
Another way we can improve the school is by improving the education. The school can teach the kids new things that can help them learn more. They can also talk more about what they want to teach the kids instead of just give work and reading directions. They need to have more explaining and stories based on the topic. Lastly they can teach kids more fun stuff to learn, or just have fun while learning. Don’t you think that we could make the school a better place to learn if we make the education alittle fun?
One last way is to have more activities to do in class with students. Teachers can have more activities to do in class with the students, like making more games that have to do with the lesson they are teaching kids. They also can make projects that are fun and educational. They lastly can have fun group activities in school. Don’t you think we should have more activities and fun in school, while still learning?
In conclusion, the school can be better in many ways. One way the school can be better is by changing the teacher’s way of teaching. Another way is to improve the education of the school. My last way is to have more activities to do in class with students. Don’t you agree with me?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Stephanie's Life Story
When my daughter was born it was the day me and my wife were still fighting over what to name her. I personally wanted to name her Guadalupe. But my wife said no and named her Stephanie. I didn't mind it was a beautiful name but I still wanted Guadalupe to be her name. When we lift the hospital I was so tired. It was a very tiring day. My wife took a nap while I put Stephanie to sleep. I was a very happy father; my 2 sons were helping me take care of my new born baby girl.
Years went on and my new baby girl grew older. She started walking when she was about 1 or 2 years old. When she was just a little girl she would walk around after a party and drink the bottles that had a little bit to drink at the bottom of them. My family and I would watch as she would walk around and drink out of the bottles. I would make videos of her when we were having parties. When she learned how to talk, we couldn't stop her from talking. She would talk about anything. She would tell us what she wanted. When she turned 3 I and my wife had another little girl. We named her Carmen. Now we had two boys and two girls.
When Stephanie was 8 or 9 years old I taught her how to ride a bike. When she learned how to ride a bike that day I knew she was growing up. I was so happy to have two little girls. now Stephanie wasn't the baby of the family anymore. I think she knew she wasn't the baby anymore because we all started paying a little more attention to Carmen. I think her life changed that day Carmen was born because she had to be an older sister. She had to do more things to help her mom with the new baby. As Stephanie grew older she changed, not only the way she looks but the way she acts. She got older through out the years. She learned new things like to walk and throw tantrums whenever she didn't get what she wanted.
I remember one time when my wife took her to her first day at preschool and when Stephanie and my wife reached the door. Stephanie threw a huge tantrum. She also spit at her mother because she was so mad for bringing her to school. But when she got out of school she was very happy and liked going to school. As school went on Stephanie went into 1st grade and that’s where the teacher was talking to me about a boy that kept on following her every where. It was a boy that had a crush on her. The teacher told me that she couldn't keep them apart. Then my wife told me that the boys name was Julian and well when I heard that a boy was crushing on my daughter I got mad. As the years went on she told me that she doesn't like him. I felt a little better. But time went on even more and I found out that she had a boyfriend. I was even madder and didn't know what to say. The day I heard the news I was sitting on the couch and she was sitting next to me and I didn’t even look at her but then I got over when I heard it was over.
Time still kept going and Stephanie grew older and I knew she wasn't a little girl anymore. And now that she is older I now know that she is no longer my little only girl. Now I have two little girls and two sons.
Friday, February 27, 2009
What Do I Wish From Barack Obama?
You always hear that a girl gets pregnant at a young age. That’s why we need choices for whether to have a child or not have a child. I think they need some responsibility to change. There are lots of different cases that women have when they say it was a mistake. I understand when they say that when they are young and are not ready for a baby or they didn’t want to “make” a baby. But if they have had more than one mistake then that’s when I don’t agree with them having a choice.
You especially hear stories of young girls that get pregnant. Or you hear stories of girls that aren’t ready to taking care of a baby. Then they get the right not to abort the child but there are other choices you should teach young girls of these other choices.
Another problem young girls have is the money. Young people don’t have the money to take care of a baby. That’s what leads them to abortion. They should be able to decide things for them selves. In conclusion that is what I wish from Barrack Obama.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Life Changing Event
That day i cried for hours. Months past and i still couldn't forget the way she looked in her coffin. I told her that i would never forget her, i took her hand and it felt so cold. She left me with out saying good bye. I don't blame her on her death but i always wish she could be here with me. I heard she died of cancer and it wasn't her fault. But i still am mad at her for leaving me in this world by myself.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Parents Are\Are Not the Best Teachers
One of my reasons why I think that parents are the best teachers is because parents challenge there kids more than regular teachers do. Regular teachers can’t challenge a student the same way a parent can. A parent knows their child better than a teacher does. The parent can give challenges based on life to help the child learn better and faster. The children can also learn better lessons one life and other things from their parents.
Another reason why I think that is because parents can teach their kids different lessons on life. They can teach their kids what life is going to be like in the future for them. They could also give them choices in life that a teacher from school can’t give them.They can make real life challenges for them to work out. They can make challenges that only they can do because parents know their kids the best.
My last reason is because parents also have a better understanding relationship with their kids than the relationship between a student and his or her teacher. A parent knows their child better than a teacher does to their students. Parents understand what their kids are feeling because they know their own child. They know when their kids are sad or mad and when they need to be alone or need to be hugged. Don’t you agree with me?
In conclusion, I do agree that parents would make a good teacher for many reason. One of my reasons why I think that parents are the best teachers is because parents challenge there kids more than regular teachers do. Another reason why I think that is because parents can teach their kids different lessons on life. My last reason is because parents also have a better understanding relationship with their kids than the relationship between a student and his or her teacher. Don’t you want what is best for your kids?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A Skill Everyone Needs
One reason why I think that is because reading will help in future jobs. Reading will help people work better. It will help people follow directions. And help do their jobs right. For example, when some one gets a new job but they don't now how to read directions they are given. Then they might do the job wrong. That’s why reading is a big part of peoples lives, without reading people also won't understand what to do.
Another reason is because without reading people won't understand writing. Without reading we won't understand what people write, and if no one knows how to read then writing will be affected too. For example if some one writes a letter to someone else saying there in trouble. The other person won't know what the letter says because they can't read. Reading affects a lot of things. We use it a lot, and without it life wouldn't be the same.
My last reason is because without reading life will be different. Reading is used in every day life. Without reading writing might get forgotten. And there will not have that many ways of communicating any more. Reading is a big part of every body’s life. Without it life wouldn't be the same. For example people won't know how to make cell phones because they can't read the instructions some one else gave them. Without reading, people wouldn't now how to do things.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Best Day Ever
That day i met Jacky it was after school. Jacky was with Jasmin walking and talking. I was walking home with some friends. One of my friends named Arianna saw Jacky and just screamed
out that i love this boy Jacky was dating. Which wasn't true, she just said it to make Jacky mad because i was dating him first but dumped me to go with her. I didn't know and didn't care. But i do think it did make her mad because after my friends left Jacky and Jasmin came up to me and started talking to me and asking questions. I told her i didn't like him and i wasn't talking about her behind her back because that was what she heard i was doing and i wasn't. later that day me and Jacky talked more. Soon we were best friends and we still are. She was also the one who introduced me to Alexia who also became one of my best friends.
The day me and Jacky became friends was the best day ever. Even when i look back now and realize if i didn't get dumped by my first and Jacky didn't date him. Me and her wouldn't be friends, and me and Alexia wouldn't be friends either.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Her Smile
Monday, February 9, 2009
25 things i want to do in my life
- I want to fly in an airplane plan for the first time in my life
- I want to be a veternarian
- I want to be a doctor
- I want to go around the world
- I want to buy a big house for my mom
- I want to write a book based on a big scarey event that happens to the world
- I want to have a big family when i grow up
- I want to go to college and get my degrees
- I want to learn french
- I want to learn how to sky dive
- I want to live in a mall for 30 days
- I want to own a beach house
- I want to marry Robert Patterson
- I want to be best friends with David Archueleta and Selena Gomez
- I want to be a vampire and drink blood
- I want to make the world a better place
- I want to be a math teacher
- I want to change the world
- I want to learn to be an artist
- I want to take care of animals for fun
- I want to be known by every one for make a big invention
- I want to fly
- I want to have super powers
- I want to live life happy
- I want Robert Patterson